Getting bitten by a dog is traumatizing, but it is the medical risks involved that are often most concerning. Dog bite injuries can lead to infections, disfigurement and other things that could result in costly medical treatment.
The following could help you claim compensation if a dog bites you:
Show the owner knew the dog was aggressive
Texas dog owners can almost certainly be held responsible if their dog has bitten or attacked someone else before, But even just showing that the owner was aware their dog had aggressive tendencies might be enough to convince a court the owner should pay you compensation.
Show the owner could have prevented the injury from happening
If the dog owner failed to reasonably prevent the dog from causing harm—such as not using a leash in public areas where it is required or not securing the dog properly — this failure could be considered negligence. Demonstrating that the owner did not take appropriate precautions could be crucial in establishing their responsibility for the injuries sustained.
You’ll also need to prove ownership
You must also establish that the defendant was the owner or had control over the dog at the time of the bite. Demonstrating ownership or control is essential for linking the negligence directly to the responsible party. That could be harder if the owner claims the dog was not theirs, but just used to hang around their property.
Getting prompt legal help can be crucial for gathering evidence, developing a strong case and securing fair compensation for your injuries.